What is Enlightenment?
There are special sunglasses that allows some colorblind people the ability to see color . They get to understand something that to them was previously ineffable (extremely hard to express and definitively define). People describe it as breathtaking and life-changing. One video even featured an artist reading a book for toddlers that showed all the colors that he had never seen, and him crying from overwhelming happiness. However, for some colorblind people, the glasses don't work and colors will continue to be ineffable to them. In the same way, enlightenment is ineffable. Some people are able to come to understand it and its breathtaking and life-changing, and others simply aren't. There is a lot of attachment to the words "enlightenment" and "nirvana/nibbana". These are just words used to convey something that is ineffable, and not something that is ethereal or unobtainable. The two concepts are very often confused, even among Buddhists. In additio...